- Manpower subsidy : Government reimburses up to 25% of the actual wage bill for local tribal employees employed by eligible units up to three years from the date of Production subject to a maximum ceiling of ` 1.00 lakh annually for those units where investment in plant and machinery is from ` 5.00 lakh to ` 25.00 lakh, ` 2.50 lakh annually for those units where investment in plant and machinery is from ` 25.00 lakh to ` 100.00 lakh and ` 5.00 lakh annually for those units where investment in plant and machinery is above `100.00 lakh.
- Power subsidy: Subsidy on power will be provided at the rate of 30% and 25% for connected loads upto 1 MW and above 1 MW respectively for a period of five years from the date of commercial production subject to a maximum ceiling limit of ` 2.00 lakh annually. This will be a reimbursement scheme on actual consumption of power for manufacturing process substantiated with requisite details.
- Drawal of Power Line: Cost of drawal of 33/11 KV line to eligible units located outside the notified areas shall be reimbursed for one time only subject to a ceiling of `2:00 lakh (now as per NEIIPP-2007, anywhere in the State)
The lists of claims compiled by the respective District Level Industrial Facilitation Committee are submitted to the Directorate of Industries & Commerce which are then forwarded to the Directorate Level Industrial facilitation Committee for final screening. The Directorate LIFC then examines the claimed statements prepared by the Department vis a vis the guidelines of the State Industrial Policy and gives their final decision for awarding the subsidy to all eligible Industrial Units.