In continuation to this office  advertisement of even number dated 6th December, 2018, it is hereby informed to all eligible candidates that the written examination for the posts of (1) Field Supervisor (EP), (2) Mechanic-cum-Operator, (3) LDA-cum-Computer Assistant will be held on 16.01.2019 between 10:00 A.M to 12:00 Noon at the Nagaland Public Service Commission’s(NPSC) Examination Hall, Kohima.

List of rejected candidates have been displayed in the Directorate Office Notice Board as well as Department’s website.

All eligible candidates are instructed to report to the Office of the Directorate of Industries & Commerce, Kohima for collection of their admit cards from  8th – 11th January, 2019 during office working hours. Failing to collect Admit Cards during the stipulated period will be debarred  from appearing the said examination.



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